An epic artwork called Small World, even full of opposites and symbols, carries a clear message. It represents our history, and our present. Although most work has become more efficient over the centuries, some traditional forms of livelihood remain. Such as pastoralism, here symbolized with sheeps, or fishing. Both of these industries you can find in Portugal as well as in small regions of Czechia, I perceive it as a bridge between our countries. In contrast, there is also nature and modern technologies in the picture.
Dogecoin as a symbol of cryptocurrencies and the present time of progress and absurd earnings is in direct contrast to the hard livelihood of pastoralists and fishermen. And as a symbol of the present, which, despite all scientific progress, cannot prevent natural disasters, coral extinctions, plastic ocean pollution and environmental disasters that threaten life in our small world, which is common to all nations. Whether we live in Portugal near the ocean or in the middle of Europe in the lowlands.
Created by: by Pauser
Year : 2022
Dimensions: 80x80